Worst Pig in Texas

Worst Pig in Texas charcoal drawing
Worst Pig in Texas short story illustration. Charcoal drawing by author.

Worst Pig in Texas

Once upon a time there was a very bad pig that lived in Texas. The pig went to church every Sunday and told everybody that the world was coming to an end. At first they didn’t listen to him, but then one day the church burned down. Then the people did everything he said. He quickly put them to work helping him burn down more churches.

Imaging if there really was a “Worst Pig In Texas” contest. What a contest that would be! Think of all the corporate bullies, bigots and rabid religious nuts there are in Texas. Think of all the people there who have never read a book that wasn’t written be a reverend or a “bible scholar” and are proud of it. Think of all the hate-filled racists there just waiting for the chaos to start so they can start shooting their guns in the street and screaming “I told you so.”